Earlier this year I took a trip to Chile. We started in the Lake District in a town called Puerto Varas which lay opposite the snow-capped volcanoes of Osorno and Calbuco. After a mildly stressful extended period on the quirky island of Chiloe (see earlier post regarding fishermen protest), we headed north to the centre of the country to visit the bohemian coastal city of Valparaiso, famed for it’s colourful houses constructed on the hills which inspired the great poet Pablo Neruda to find a house there overlooking the bay. The city was alive with creativity yet also had an edge, which maybe goes hand in hand, vibrant colour and artworks decorating every wall and stone staircase. The dramatic viewpoint from the hills as the sun set in the evening and the houselights twinkled. It was really beautiful.
A short bus ride away we ended our trip in Santiago which was another scene to behold. For 3 days we were aware of the presence of the Andes surrounding the city, but hadn’t quite set eyes on them fully until the final evening afforded us ten minutes of the most incredibly clear view, imposing and highlighted in neon pink and orange splendour.
It certainly was a trip to remember and not just for the Indiana Jones escape off an island.