This was the second occasion my path had crossed with the Scientist, Doctor, Politician and TV personality Robert Winston. The first was back in November over a rushed Marco Pierre White lunch in Sheffield for a different magazine. In the three minutes I was in his presence we fought over the straightness of his tie and he posed for most of the shots holding a chip in the air. Amusing but stressful.
Unsurprisingly I arrived to this shoot with a little trepidation, knowing that he could probably eat me for breakfast if we didn’t get off on the right foot (or if I suggested he straighten his tie again).
Often this whiff of anxiety makes the shoot more exhilarating in a way, more challenging and makes you work bloody hard. However, I shouldn’t really have worried. Yes he is blunt and forthright and mildly sardonic at times, but it’s always backed up with a twinkle in his eye that assures you it is but a mere test of character. By the end of the session, I had three set ups in the bag and left his office feeling like I had succeeded.